Outdoor Industry Responds

Outdoor Industry Responds

Here at MPOWERD, we are incredibly grateful to our partners who have helped us positively impact over 3.7 million lives around the world to date. Our nonprofit partners have made it possible for children to study at night, for entrepreneurs to keep their businesses open longer, and for communities to be resilient after disaster strikes.

In November, Central America was hit by two of the strongest hurricanes ever recorded - Hurricanes Etna and Iota - decimating entire communities, and leaving thousands of families without food, water or shelter. The Colombian island of Providencia, off the coast of Nicaragua, was devastated by the slow moving second hurricane, leaving 98% of its infrastructure destroyed and 6,000+ families in need of relief.

Outdoor Industry Responds

In response to the disaster, LifeStraw mobilized companies in the outdoor space, including MPOWERD, to donate critical relief supplies to the affected communities. Aside from their innovative products, LifeStraw operates a 501© non-profit safe water fund that responds to emergencies and disasters that require safe drinking water. Largely ignored by relief efforts, this group of forward-thinking outdoor-focused organizations provided items such as tents, solar lights, sunscreen and bug spray to those affected by the disaster.

This collaboration with LifeStraw and others showed that even during an unprecedented year amidst a global pandemic, these companies remain focused on providing resources to communities in need, together.